Announcement of First Phase of Testing regarding Cross Border Auctions transition to SEECAO, for companies active in Greek Cross Border Auctions for Capacity Allocation

Podgorica, Montenegro, 30th of January, 2015

ADMIE and SEECAO jointly announce a first round of testing for procedures and IT systems involved the transition of Yearly, Monthly and Daily Auctions for selected borders, from ADMIE to SEECAO.

All companies registered for cross-border auctions participation regarding Greek borders, are invited in participating in this test, by submitting an e-mail to with e-mail subject: “ADMIE – SEECAO Test Participation” by Thursday, February 5th 2015, 14:00 CET.

Further details on the exact test proceedings will be given once the number of participants is known.

For any information please contact Mr Andreas Papanaklis on +30 210 629 4235 or 4266 or For any issue regarding the auctioning platform please contact