SEE CAO participation in Energy Community Regulatory School

SEE CAO is glad to report and share impressions from Energy Community Regulatory School Training Course on Electricity Markets and Trading, co-organized with Energy Regulatory Agency of Montenegro, held on 2nd and 3rd October in Podgorica. The event was organised for electricity experts of national energy regulatory authorities from Energy Community Contracting Parties, but it was also open for all electricity and energy market stakeholders of Montenegro. 

For this occasion SEE CAO representatives have presented the allocation process of forward capacities, described and vividly shown the manner of performing the capacity allocation by simulation of the whole process in front of participants. All attendees of the course had the chance to take part in auction simulation by biding and in that way to get close insight in role of auction participants and to discuss the whole process with auction operators of our company.

We are more than thrilled by the opportunity to share our experience in allocation processes and grateful for the opportunity to communicate the topics of importance in this field with experts from regulatory authorities. It is our great pleasure to contribute to EC activities and to be part of this kind of educational trainings which lead to better understanding and spreading of specific knowledge of EU market codes.

SEE CAO presentations from the event are enclosed.

SEE CAO_introduction.pdf
Forward capacity allocation.pdf
Simulation of capacity allocation.pdf