First coordinated auctions in SEE

Podgorica, Montenegro, 01st of December, 2014

It is with great pleasure and proud that we would like to announce that SEE CAO has successfully conducted first coordinated auctions in SEE.

SEE CAO, which has grown into first successful regional project in energy sector, has become operational as of 27th November 2014, when the first, yearly auctions for 2015 for borders ME< >BiH and BiH< >HR were conducted. It is with reaching this crucial milestone and by making this great step forward that 8th region was put on the map of EU energy policy obeying regions. 

After years of dedicated work all of the preconditions in terms of technical, legal, financial and organizational framework are accomplished and the ground for organization of first successful coordinated auctions in SEE was prepared.

SEE CAO expresses sincere and deep gratitude to all those who have been supportive of this project from its very beginning.  First of all, to its Shareholding TSOs which were persistent in the intention to make this project prosperous and worked closely with SEE CAO in setting forth the process.

Furthermore, we owe great appreciation to the International Financial Institutions, particularly to EBRD and KfW which have selflessly supported and are still supporting us, with USAID which has, also, supported this project initially, providing certain funds.

Also, support from Energy Community Secretariat at the political level was significant. Nevertheless, we should not forget all of the Internal and External Consultants who have had a contribution in establishing and evolving of SEE CAO.

Results of everyone’s effort are today very visible and quite clear- operational SEE CAO, with more than 50 Traders registered and new ones approaching each day, first successfully conducted coordinated auctions, transparency and fairness of SEE energy market significantly improved  and indisputably big step forward for all SEE countries.