Athens Forum 2014 – SEE CAO Developments

Athens, Greece, 3rd of June, 2014

SEE CAO representatives took participation in the most important annual event in the field of Energy – Energy Community Electricity Forum (Athens Forum), held in Athens, Greece on 2nd and 3rd of June 2014. Executive Director of the SEE CAO, Mr Mijušković had a presentation on the development and status of the SEE CAO –  presentation. Achievements the SEE CAO made so far were praised and further improvement was encouraged as it was announced that first auctions are planned for the autumn 2014.

Information about the 19th Athens Forum can be found at the Energy Community web pages

Conclusions from the 19th Athens Forum (Conclusions 19th Athens Forum) regarding the SEE CAO development are as follows:

  • The Forum welcomes the progress made on establishment of the SEE CAO for long-term capacity allocation and its Director’s announcement that a pilot allocation of monthly capacities will start in October 2014 and allocation of yearly capacities (for 2015) in November 2014 for all SEE CAO participating TSOs. The Secretariat and the Commission offer to continue facilitation in overcoming the only remaining issue, VAT legislation, preventing the Albanian TSO from participation. The Forum welcomes the Secretariat’s announcement to publish, following public consultation, Policy Guidelines on VAT and Electricity Trade in autumn 2014.
  • The Forum expresses its concerns about lack of participation by the network operators of Bulgaria, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia (hindering the participation of Romania), as a fragmented solution undermines the effectiveness of the SEE CAO project, contradicts Energy Community Treaty obligations and disregards the upcoming EU harmonisation of forward trading rules. The Forum invites the TSOs of FYR of Macedonia and Serbia to present to the Secretariat by end July 2014 a roadmap with concrete actions and timelines for participation in any regional body performing long-term capacity allocation. Otherwise, the Forum invites the Secretariat to consider measures, including re-opening infringement procedures against Serbia and FYR of Macedonia to achieve a forward trading mechanism encompassing SEE CAO by 1 December 2014 the latest. The Forum invites the European Commission to enhance its dialogue with Bulgaria and Romania on this issue.

SEECAO Development_AMijuskovic_Athens Forum 2014.pdf