Change of SEE CAO address and contact details

SEE CAO informs all Registered Participants and business partners that we have moved to new premises with the following address:

Coordinated Auction Office in South East Europe – SEE CAO
Svetlane Kane Radević 1, 4th floor
81000 Podgorica, Montenegro

Please change the information in your records and send all future mails, courier and personal messages to our new address.

Additionally, below please find our new telephone numbers:

Nikolina Kažić (legal)

+382 20 444 993

Dušan Vujović (finance)

+382 20 444 994

Auction Operators

+382 20 444 998
+382 20 444 999
+382 20 240 000
+382 20 240 001
+382 69 240 001

All other contact information (including mobile numbers) remain unchanged.