EnC closes cases against MNE and BiH

Vienna, Austria, 13st of January, 2015

Following the participation of Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina to the SEE CAO as a common coordinated congestion management method and procedure for the allocation of capacity, the Secretariat decided to close cases ECS-02/11 and ECS-05/11. 

The infringement proceedings were initiated with Opening Letters sent on 20 Jan 2011 to Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.

The infringement proceedings concern the failure of these Contracting Parties to fulfill their obligations under the Energy Community Treaty by not applying any common coordinated congestion management method and procedure for the allocation of capacity to the market with the other Parties to the Treaty. 

The cases against Albania, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbia remain open until these Contracting Parties do not start applying any common congestion management method and procedure for allocation of capacity.

More information can be found on ECS website: https://www.energy-community.org/portal/page/portal/ENC_HOME/NEWS/News_D…