Energetika.net published an interview with Mr Aleksandar Mijušković

Ljubljana, Slovenia, 28th of December, 2015

Energetika.net has published an interview with SEE CAO Executive Director, Mr Aleksandar Mijušković.

Aleksandar Mijušković, SEE CAO: We Want to Become a One-Stop Shop for Traders in SEE

“The South East European Coordinated Auction Office (SEE CAO) is becoming the energy trading centre of South East Europe (SEE)” SEE CAO Director, Aleksandar Mijušković said at the event celebrating the anniversary of SEE CAO’s first yearly auctions, which was also a pre-holiday meeting of the founders – transmission system operators (TSOs) from ten countries, in the Montenegrin city of Budva in early December (Energetika.NET was there for an exclusive report).

Link: http://www.energetika.net/eu/novice/interviews/aleksandar-mijuskovi-see-cao-we-want-to-become-a-onestop-sho