SEE CAO and MEPSO agreed on final steps for introduction of MEPSO in Auction process for 2017

Upon receiving MEPSO’s Application for Service User, SEE CAO and MEPSO representatives have met in Skopje on September 20th 2016, with an aim to reach the target of introduction of MK-GR border in SEE CAO’s Yearly auction process for 2017.

More than two months prior to Yearly auction for 2017, SEE CAO and MEPSO have started the preparation of all technical, financial and legal prerequisites needed in order to have MEPSO and border MK-GR in place for all auction processes in 2017.  Meeting served as a SEE CAO’s presentation on its procedures for the Service users, mainly data exchange and invoicing and settlements, together with Auction Participants registration procedure, during which MEPSO’s representatives have shown a dedicated will and good cognition on SEE CAO’s processes.

Nevertheless, official announcement on SEE CAO’s allocation for MK-GR border shall be published no later than one month prior to Yearly Auction Process which should be performed in line with SEE CAO’s Auction Rules v1.4 which are subject of approval of MEPSO’s NRA.

In order to participate in SEE CAO Auction process on MK-GR border, MEPSO’s  Auction Participants should registered in SEE CAO following the procedure from SEE CAO Auction Rules, while already registered Auction Participants will be enabled to allocate the capacity on MK-GR border.

Additional information can be found on MEPSO website: