SEE CAO Announces Yearly Auctions for 2018

Podgorica, October 16th, 2017- Heading towards the 3rd anniversary of successful operation, SEE CAO is excited to announce the launch of “HAR” Yearly Auctions for 2018, scheduled for November 27th 2017.

As a result of three successful foregoing years where SEE CAO has efficiently conducted its Yearly, Monthly and Daily auctions concurrently increasing its scope of serviced borders within the region of South East Europe, SEE CAO is excited to announce its further development recognised through upcoming application of Harmonised Allocation Rules (hereinafter: HAR) for the Auctions in year 2018.

Following the ‘best European practice’ of early implementation of guidelines on Forward Capacity Allocation, SEE TSOs and Coordinated Auction Office in South East Europe (SEE CAO) have prepared a new set of rules in order to implement HAR in the region of SEE for Auction process 2018. Therefore, SEE CAO and SEE TSOs have prepared a set of rules with which they would transpose Harmonised allocation rules for long term transmission rights in accordance with Article 51 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/1719 of 26 September 2016 establishing a Guideline on Forward Capacity Allocation dating October 02, 2017 with the Specific Annex for Bidding Zone borders serviced by SEE CAO to perform long-term allocation of transmission rights (yearly and monthly auctions). Moreover, SEE CAO shall continue to perform coordinated explicit daily auctions in line with Rules for explicit Daily Capacity Allocation on Bidding Zone borders serviced by SEE CAO v1.0.

Bidding zone Borders for which the allocation of long-term and daily transmission rights shall be carried out by SEE CAO are:

  1. HOPS (HR) – NOS BiH (BA)
  2. NOS BiH (BA) – CGES (ME)
  3. CGES (ME) – OST (AL)
  4. OST (AL) – IPTO (GR)
  5. IPTO (GR) – TEIAS (TR)
  6. IPTO (GR) – MEPSO (MK)

Additional documents such as Participation Agreement, Financial terms, Nomination rules and Information System Rules are prescribed by HAR and are following it by determining custom terms and rules, shall be published on SEE CAO’s website.

SEE CAO HAR set of rules once approved by all 7 relevant National Regulatory Authorities shall become mandatory for application in SEE CAO auctions for 2018, starting with Yearly Auction for 2018 scheduled for November 27th 2017.

Monthly Auctions for 2018 will be performed in accordance with the Auction Calendar as follows:

  1. January 2018          – December 11, 2017
  2. February 2018        – January 10, 2018
  3. March 2018            – February 12, 2018
  4. April 2018              – March 12, 2018
  5. May 2018               – April 10, 2018
  6. June 2018               – May 11, 2018
  7. July 2018                – June 11, 2918
  8. August 2018           – July 11, 2018
  9. September 2018      – August 13, 2018
  10. October 2018          – September 10, 2018
  11. November 2018      – October 11, 2018
  12. December 2018      – November 12, 2018

In order to successfully facilitate the process on application of SEE CAO HAR set of rules, SEE CAO shall organise a SEE CAO HAR Workshop with Market Participants on November 10th 2017, in Hotel Splendid, Budva, Montenegro.