SEE CAO Market Participants Workshop follow-up

On 3 November 2022, SEE CAO has hosted Market Participants Workshop in Petrovac, Montenegro. The event gathered 34 participants from 19 companies. The workshop was also available online, which enabled more than 20 participants to follow the presentations and join the discussions.

In the first part of workshop, updates of allocation rules were presented, with focus on improvement of settlement process via dedicated business account and requirement for CEREMP registration (as a precondition for the participation in allocation process on borders listed in Appendix 2 of Specific Annex).

Second session was reserved for the presentation of IT improvements, both already implemented and those planned for the next period, which were further discussed by the attendees.

We thank all the participants for participation and provided suggestions, which will serve as valuable input for our future developments.

SEE CAO Market Participants Workshop – presentation.pdf