SEE CAO Traders Workshop 2015 follow-up

SEE CAO TRADERS WORKSHOP 2015 took place on 06th November 2015 at HOTEL “SPLENDID”, BEČIĆI, MONTENEGRO.

The aim of the workshop was to present to Auction Participants the new version of SEE CAO’s Auction Rules v1.3, which are expected to enter into force with auctions for 2016, and to inform them about introduced changes comparing to the current version, v1.1. Moreover, the participants got brief introduction of transposed changes of the Auction Rules as new functionalities into the DAMAS Auction Platform, followed by training and simulation of the auctions.

Additionally workshop has served as a good opportunity for SEE CAO to communicate its accomplishments during the first operational year and to announce the upcoming Yearly auctions with the scope of borders which are to be included in SEE CAO Auction Process.

SEE CAO would like to stress out the positive feedback received during the workshop and especially thank the traders for praising SEE CAO’s effort, professionalism and  achievements. The workshop has been conducive for both Auction participants and SEE CAO, in order to continue and improve our successful cooperation.

The presentations from the workshop are published as follows:
