SEE CAO welcomed the Auction Participants at the 1st SEE CAO Traders Workshop!

Bečići, Montenegro, 1st of October, 2014

1st SEE CAO Traders workshop took place in Hotel Splendid, Bečići, Montenegro on 1st of October 2014. More than 60 Auction Participants from the region took a role in the process of evolvent a Coordinated Auction Office in South East Europe by participating on the 1st SEE CAO Traders workshop, which  presents a huge step forward in this final and very sensitive phase of SEE CAO’s establishment.

In line with the agenda for this event, Workshop started with registration of participants. All of the participants were provided with Workflow diagram of SEE CAO, diagram for Registration of the Participants with SEE CAO and necessary data for DAMAS auction simulation.

It continued with presentation of Mr Aleksandar Mijušković, Executive Director of SEE CAO, on the Company, giving brief overview of SEE CAO history and activities. Furthermore, Ms Dijana Martinčić, SEE CAO IT Expert, presented Auction Rules, supported by SEE CAO Operator Mr Euglert Beshello for the presentation of Auction Workflow Diagram and Ms Milica Milikić, Financial Consultant, for the Invoicing and Payment, in general and in details, followed by the presentation which contained all of the Auction Rules related question that were delivered to SEE CAO by September 26th, as asked in the invitation for this Workshop sent to the Traders and answers to it. The schedule for testing with traders (TSOs included) in October is presented. The whole cycle (SEE CAO- Traders – TSOs) of testing should be performed in November, prior to start of the auctions. Afterwards, Mr Aleksandar Drašković, SEE CAO Operator, had a presentation on all relevant information regarding certificates and the process of obtaining those.  In the final part of this Workshop, Mr Zdenek Janda, from Auction Platform Provider, Unicorn systems a.s., introduced participants with DAMAS through presentation and conducted a brief training on DAMAS with Traders. The DAMAS introduction finished with DAMAS related question that were delivered to SEE CAO by September 26th, as asked in the invitation for this Workshop sent to the Traders and answers to it. Finally, Auctions simulations in DAMAS were performed with Traders. All the traders received the user account for DAMAS login and had opportunity to test the system and bid into Y/M/D auctions.

As many of the questions and issues were raised during the workshop from the trader’s side and point of view, SEE CAO finds the workshop useful and productive in order to achieve the best possible cooperation between the Coordinated Auction Office and Auction Participants.