SEE CAO’s paper awarded at 1st Regional CIGRE Conference

On the first Regional CIGRE Conference held in June 2016 in Portorož, Slovenia, SEE CAO’s paper Regionally coordinated auctions of cross-border transmission capacities between South East European Transmission System Operators, has been awarded as the best paper in the topic 3 – Regional Energy Market Issues.

The paper was prepared by Chairman of SEE CAO Board of Directors Mr Damjan Međimorec, Executive Director Mr Aleksandar Mijušković and Deputy Executive Director/IT Expert Mrs Dijana Martinčić. Presented by Mrs Martinčić, it has been selected as the best paper among 20 noteworthy papers of the topic 3 by topic’s Chairman Mr Nenad Stefanović (Serbia) and co-chairmen Mr Uroš Salobir (Slovenia) and Mr Tahir Kapetanović (Austria).

The first SEERC Power Conference, which combines the economic, academic, and industrial segments of the power sector in Central and South East Europe, has taken place at the Bernardin Congress Centre Portorož, Slovenia, on 7 and 8 June 2016. It was organised by the International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE). The South East European Region (SEERC) is one of the four global regions determined by CIGRE’s Paris-based central office. It includes 14 countries and approximately 270 million people. The first conference in Slovenia was organised by the Slovenian Forum of Electric Power Engineers and the Slovenian national CIGRE committee, on behalf of CIGRE’s central office in Paris.

Conference newsletter

Conference conclusions